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  Mar 03 1999

Chris Gushue's web page

This page is extremely outdated because it was just copied over from its old home, and will be updated in the near future.

Really old pitcure of me Welcome to my web page! My name is Chris Gushue, I am 22, and live in St. John's, NF, Canada. I have recently finished the Microcomputer Applications course at Academy Canada. Now I am just waiting to start my four week work term. Hopefully after that I can get a decent job in town for a while, so I can pay my bills, and start paying off that student loan :) And of course, upgrade my computer some more! This page finally got updated because I am setting up a web page for my family.

Yet another crappy picture of me Over the last year and a half, I have gone through many computer upgrades. I started out with a 386sx 16 MHz, 40 MB hard drive, EGA monitor, 2400 baud modem, and 1 MB of RAM. Shortly after that I upgraded to a 386dx 25 MHz, 215 MB hard drive, VGA monitor, 8 MB of RAM, and a 14.4 Kbps modem. On both of these systems I was running Linux. Over the next 4 months or so, I ended up with a AMD K6 233 MHz, 3.5 GB hard drive, SVGA monitor, 33.6 Kbps modem, a 24X cdrom, 32 MB of RAM, and of course my Microsoft IntelliMouse (very nice mouse indeed). Since last September, I have gotten 2 network cards (for my cable modem and the internal LAN with my friend's computer), another 32 MB of SDRAM, and a Diamond Viper V330 4MB AGP video card. For a while I was running a mix of Windows 95, Windows 98 betas, and Linux. Now I am mostly using Linux, with Windows 98 installed only to play Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Now, if nothing in the last paragraph made sense to you, I started out with a crap computer and now I have a decent system (though it was faster than most systems last year, but slower than most new systems today).

Here are a couple more pitcures of me at a party. Unfortunately, the person behind the digital camera wasn't very steady, so the pics aren't very good quality. I'm the person with the grey hat and the black plaid shirt on. For more pics from the same party, go here.

  party1.jpg - 480x360; 15,190 bytes
  party2.jpg - 480x360; 15,100 bytes

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